I have no time to update!!! Catch me on the morrow. Love y'all :)




Sometimes I just want to say hey what are you thinking!!?!?!?

But I refrain for the most part. Sometime you can only take so much abuse before you say enough is enough, be nice. So that is what my day was kind of like, so I am going to go to bed early and wake up with a positive attitude and hope that the next day is better.

My workout today was a little hit and miss but I did get some cardio in but then had to put the pedal to the metal and go home! At work I had a very long meeting and I have a CAC meeting tomorrow night so I want to just sit on my couch for a few minutes and chill.

I do have to say I played a lot with the kiddos today and it was super fun, got to love just letting it all out and PLAY.

Today was a strength training day at Beyond Fit, you can see me hitting up the bench press here on the left, 110 lbs....not to shabby! I also did Dead Lift 163lbs and T row 70lbs.  So the week is off to a good start, there are lots of things happening this week so hopefully I will be able to workout almost everyday.  James finally came home from Dallas and we went and had some Mexican food for dinner at El Patio, so I am uber stuffed, but it was nice to finally see my hubby. This probably was not the best dinner choice so I need to go to Central Market tomorrow before this eating get WAY out of hand!

So after my late night of dancing I went to bed with my hair all over the place and of course did not take off my makeup, and woke up to this AMAZING bed head!! I could never get my hair to look like that again if I tried. hehe
Well today I met my dad for lunch at Russell's Bakery which was very good, and I followed it up with a very light workout at Beyond Fit. I just rowed for about 20 minutes and rolled out on the ball.  But hey at least I went :)

I plan to go to bed early and lay around and watch movies the rest of this beautiful day. Could the weather be any better nicer to sit inside and do nothing!!

it was the best of times it was the worst of times.  My husband was out of town and I missed him dearly.  I slept late and took a nap, went and had lunch with my friend Kate and went out with TK and SB!
Best time included the fact that I got in some exercise which is a very win win situation, even though my toes and feet hurt dearly but I am sure I will survive :) I love the weekend and look forward to it every week day! I wish my J boy was home though it would make all the difference!  Distance makes the heart grow fonder :0

Today was a fast paced day, after getting little sleep last night I had to hop up this morning and go teach the kiddies. There were a few behavior issues but we were on point for most of the day, and I played in the games with a few of my classes to get extra sweaty.
I had a salad and broccoli for lunch, but whoops I had donuts for breakfast! But I feel like I really deserved them. ::)))

On a positive note I had an excellent workout at Beyond fit, look at those numbers, crazy impressive :) I am so happy about my progress and how I have been doing, this has really been surprising and reassuring. 

very proud here!

One long long day, today was back to school night which gives me a 13 hour work day. I feel like it is a bit overrated, but just my opinion :) Not that anyone cares! Today I did not have a chance to workout because of back to school night but I was very active with the kiddos and was on my feet most of the day.  The gold fish were my snacking food and LESSON for today, killing two birds with one stone! YEP getting it done. Tomorrow is strength training at Beyond Fit so I am looking forward to that and of course it is Friday WUT WUT.

Happy hump day friends, I have to say that my kiddos at work were completely bonkers, one would think that there was a full moon. I had to send numerous notes home with naughty children, but other than that the day was pretty standard. I hit up Beyond Fit and did a circuit workout with some cardio, for lunch I had chicken and rice and dinner pork, salad, asparagus & mushrooms and for dessert chocolate cake!!!! MMMM cake!

I did a much better job on having full meals so that I do not feel as hungry and cranky. So yay to me :)
Oh did I mention that I had a massage today, amaze-balls and really helped my bck which had been bothering me since dead lifts on Monday.


Starting over this week, but it is at least a little shorter :) Today was an excellent day, I ate crab cakes and a banana for lunch and will have a salad with baked chicken for dinner thanks to ATE!
Today's workout was cardiovascular focused with some core as well, and I have much more energy then I did last week. I am starting to get back in to the routine of normal life and work, and I am realizing that I have to consume more food during the week. I am on my feet and playing with the kids all day, I need to be fueling my body more regularly. So that will be my goal this week, some protein for breakfast and a nice hardy lunch to get me through my workouts and classes.
I have a massage scheduled tomorrow whoopie!!!


    Kristen a 30 year old child, love my little family and look forward to a happy and healthy future. Maybe this will inspire you to be silly and live fulfilled.


    December 2012
    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012
    August 2012


