Today did not go as originally planned, I had cancelled stencils, only to wake up at 7am and go do some of them anyways.  I had really planned on trying to sleep in very late but of course the anxiety got the best of me!  Luckily it was not too bad and I was able to get a few of them done with the help of Reese and V Miller who were up at school as well, I really appreciated a few extra hands.  After doing a few stencils this morning I had James birthday cake delivered from Little Red's Bakery and it is AWESOME! Checkout the cupcake cake, James was so happy he yelled like a little girl, super cute.  So that was a hit on the birthday meter! Tomorrow is actually James birthday though he will be 28, what a youngster :) I try to be a positive role model for him! hahahaha
I am under the weather today and I am hoping that it is just a cold and will go away soon, sore throat and congestion really sucks, especially when you have soo many desserts to eat.

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    Kristen a 30 year old child, love my little family and look forward to a happy and healthy future. Maybe this will inspire you to be silly and live fulfilled.


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