I am pushing on, but with a different game plan. I am going to keep working out but I have decided to cut back my days.  I will no longer workout everyday, I am going to try MWF and see how my body responds to that.
*My body is giving me the not so friendly reminder that I need to dial it back and there is nothing wrong with that. 

Everyday I am forced to read these "inspirational" quotes and more than anything I find them to be frustrating bullshit. Sure maybe for most people it is easy to say push through, but there are times when you SHOULD NOT push through, and you are not less of a person for doing that. 

 I got a bit caught up in trying to train like this, push through pain and believe if I never give up that I will be better for it, but this is completely FALSE.
When you are in pain, that is your body saying stop, reassess, I know better than to act like this; I have a degree in Kinesiology, I was a collegiate athlete, I grew up being ill trained for 10 years (as a gymnast you learn to put up and shut up)

Worse yet I am seeing people doing things that you know are going to give them pain later down the line but they do not stop because they want to be hard core.  Maybe it will never hurt them but from my experience doing something the wrong way over and over, in a way that the body cannot endure, will catch up with you.

As an athlete who grew up being pushed to the limits and not knowing healthy boundaries for when it is OK to stop, I am now having to retrain my brain. It is easy for me to feed off my pain as an accomplishment of how much I have done, but this is not healthy, and I know this.
So watch me change my ways and try not to relapse!!

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    Kristen a 30 year old child, love my little family and look forward to a happy and healthy future. Maybe this will inspire you to be silly and live fulfilled.


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