Well my surgery did not really go that smooth, I ended up staying in the ICU for 4 days which was not my idea of a good vacation. On the plus side my hip is feeling so much better and I can move around very easily. 
I did workout last Wednesday at Beyond Fit which was amazing and I could not move my arms for 5 days I probably over did it a bit seeing how I had not worked out in over a month. More then that though I have been working on my house every weekend. I have built furniture, sealed cement floors, and built a kitchen. You wanna talk about a hard workout that will do it! I plan to restart at BF once I finish up with school and have a little more time when the house is finished. I do miss all my pals who I workout with though :(

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    Kristen a 30 year old child, love my little family and look forward to a happy and healthy future. Maybe this will inspire you to be silly and live fulfilled.


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