So here is the deal... I am at a point where I know I could pull the rip cord and bail out.  My back is aching, I am going to physical therapy and I have a legitimate reason to stop working out.        
   This is what always happens to me, but I need to recognize this obstacle but not let it stop me in my tracks. If I can keep the routine of making it to workouts, even if it is not 100%, I know I will do better in the long run.  
   I did have a bit of a hiccup today at Physical Therapy when all the exercises she had me do really hurt and I could tell she was not prepared for me and what the heck to have me do. The worst part is that it did make the pain worse, I mean what do people expect when they poke on you non stop, yes it hurts, stop doing that!!
Today I choose to keep on keeping on and go to Beyond Fit tomorrow and do what I can. I will be cautious but not give up on myself! If you have any excellent words of wisdom I will take them and put them in the bank for when I am feeling defeated!

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    Kristen a 30 year old child, love my little family and look forward to a happy and healthy future. Maybe this will inspire you to be silly and live fulfilled.


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